SNU Blog


Written by SNU Team | Jan 10, 2023 6:00:00 AM

How did Kinetic Church get started?

In March of 2020, after coaching basketball for 16 years, my wife and I wanted to spend more time with our 6 kids and in ministry.  We sold almost everything we owned in Utah to find land in Oklahoma. We finally purchased 17 acres and a fishing pond in Cushing, OK in July 2020. 

We started attending the Cushing Church of the Nazarene.  It had a rich 103-year history but had been in decline for many years and eventually closed in December 2020.

Months after its closing, the Northeast Oklahoma District Superintendent, Dr. David McKellips, asked us to pray about planting a new Church of the Nazarene. Through prayer, we felt God leading us in that direction. We decided to open immediately in April of 2021.  We didn’t have a launch team, financial support, or even a marketing strategy.  We simply had a calling, our family, some faith, and a building that needed many updates. 

Why did you choose the name Kinetic? 

Kinetic means movement or motion.  My wife Alycia and I felt our community needed

an “everyday” church that was constantly in motion. We wanted to motivate and mobilize Christians to see the needs around them and try to meet those needs. As God continues to grow our network, we are starting to see the “kinetic” work of the Holy Spirit in our city.

Describe a Kinetic team? How are they ministering in the community?

A Kinetic Team is best described as a micro church that focuses on a need in the community. The umbrella community mission of Kinetic is to combat domestic violence in Cushing. Examples of how these teams are fulfilling this mission are the following:

-The “Tribe Kinetic Team” provides a diaper closet that offers diapers, formula, and wipes. This team also helps family members escaping domestic violence by offering toiletry bags.

-The “Towers Kinetic Team” meets at an apartment complex for people with disabilities.  Its mission is feeding hungry people.  They deliver “Blessing Boxes” filled with food and recipes to needy families in our community. 

Our vision is to saturate our city with the gospel by creating an ecosystem that multiplies disciples of Christ. 

What has been one of the most difficult things about starting the church?

I had my own list of what makes me comfortable at church. But I have discovered that what makes me comfortable does not necessarily attract those who do not attend church. We have discovered if we can do church a little differently, then God will bring us people who are not comfortable in a traditional church.

What has been most rewarding? 

Our first Baptism Service on May 15, 2022.  Kinetic had over 100 people come to celebrate the baptism of 4 people…IN OUR POND!!!!  We celebrated together, shared communion, baptism and some good BBQ!!!

What advice would you give to someone who is feeling called to start a church? 

Don’t look at church planting as a possible career move, embrace the idea of working a full-time job while planting.  For us it has increased our social and church networks, supported our family financially, and most importantly it has allowed Kinetic to spend money exclusively on finding and leading lost people to Christ!

How could your South-Central Field pastors pray for you and your family?  

Please join us in praying for the health and safety of our 6 children. Pray that our facility will be transformed into an everyday community center where mission minded people gather in prayer, worship, discipleship and become a launch point for missions and evangelism within our network.

Tell us about your connection with SNU and how that experience has equipped you for this ministry

I grew up in Bethany, OK. My dad, Jerry Finkbeiner, played basketball at SNU and coached the women’s basketball team in the mid 90’s.  Three of my siblings are SNU alumni.  I learned to play basketball with my friends in Broadhurst gym, went to the summer Camp for Champions, and I sat on the bench with my dad while the women’s team won 3 of their national championships. 

If it weren’t for my time at SNU as a child, I am confident that my passion for basketball and ministry would not be as strong.  I don’t lead Kinetic as a classically trained pastor. I lead as a coach.  I strive to encourage people, build teams, and implement a plan of discipleship and evangelism.

Also, so many wonderful family friends who are also connected to SNU have been prayer partners and given financial gifts to Kinetic.  I am very thankful for these people.  Without them Kinetic would still be just a dream.