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Financial Benefits of an MBA and M.S. Management

Written by SNU Professional and Graduate Studies | Aug 20, 2019 5:00:00 AM

There are a few magical letters in the world. Everyone generally likes hearing y-e-s. In baseball, it’s all about RBI. The military implements acronyms like they’re going out of style. And then there’s the all-important letters in business: MBA.

But is it necessary to have an MBA or an M.S. in Management to further your career? Well, it’s not a simple yes or no answer. It’s a maybe, depending on your goals and your circumstances.

So, what are the benefits of getting an MBA or an MSM?

A career is a long-term concept, which leaves room for incredible growth. Investments made in your education, training and even your network take time to mature and reap benefits. Your education is about improving the overall career journey, not just one step.

Having one of these degrees will make a statement about who you are, no matter where you are—in Los Angeles, Tulsa or Boston. No, you’re not defined by your education or your credentials. But an advanced degree speaks to your work ethic and your dedication to excellence. It gives others insight into how you’ll function in the workplace.

The job market is competitive. It’s a simple reality of the world we live in. Make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful professionally. A master’s degree will provide you with the technical and cognitive skills to remain relevant in contemporary business.

Having an advanced degree in business also indicates flexibility. By building upon the foundational disciplines of economics, finance, management and marketing, doors can open to a variety of industries in smaller, more competitive areas. Best practices can translate to other commerce and are shared with other high-level executives. Be versatile and adaptable. Have the understanding of how to leverage various skillsets to the needs of your niche and market.

If you are entrepreneurial or have aspirations of holding any type of leadership role within a corporation, a master’s degree would be beneficial in helping you achieve your goals.

So what’s the difference between an MBA and an MSM? How do you know which one is right for you? An MBA explores the different cogs that make business work, such as finance, administration, communication, ethics, management, operations, and marketing. An MSM focuses on how to become an effective leader in the workplace.

When you have an MBA or an MSM, you position yourself to earn a higher salary.

You also decrease your chances of experiencing prolonged unemployment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, individuals with an advanced degree can earn 20 percent more per year than their counterparts who hold only a bachelor’s degree.

Having an MBA, an MSM or any other advanced degree isn’t a magical cure-all. You won’t be guaranteed smooth sailing or automatic promotions for the rest of your career. But it can be an ace in the hole. The benefits of a master’s degree can open doors for you throughout your career.

Interested in earning an MBA or MSM?

SNU’s MBA and MSM programs designed for working help allow students earn degrees by attending class only one night a week or completely online. If you have questions about how our MBA or MSM program can work for you, contact us today.