SNU Blog

SNU Students Selected for Oklahoma Intercollegiate Honor Band | SNU

Written by Admin | Feb 9, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Each year OkMEA and the Oklahoma members of CBDNA co-sponsor the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Honor Band. Nomination forms are sent to Oklahoma university band directors during September to be submitted to the Intercollegiate Band.   The band rehearses and performs at the Oklahoma Music Educators Association (OkMEA) Conference in January.  This year, 11 of our SNU instrumental music students were selected to participate in the 2023 OkMEA Intercollegiate Band. 

This band was comprised of 16 Universities from the state of Oklahoma. When the students first arrive on day one, they audition for chair placement in the ensemble. Once this was completed, the students began their rehearsals. In a day and a half, the band puts together a concert to perform for the conference. It takes extremely talented musicians to put something like this together in such a short time frame. 

Our students auditioned with students from the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma Christian, and Oklahoma Baptist University, among others. 

The following is a list of students as they appear in the photo above, along with their instrument and chair placement:

SNU Director of Bands – Professor Ricky Spears
Horn – Caleb Zimmer – 1st out of 9
Alto Sax – Brady Armstrong – 5th out of 6
Trumpet – Emanuel Terrazas – 4th out of 15
Trumpet – Andrew Travis – 1st out of 15
Trumpet – Evan Houston – 3rd out of 15
Horn – Niki Geis – 5th out of 9
Bass Clarinet – Sahmayiah Harris – 6th out of 6
Clarinet – Maddy Wilson – 10th out of 23 clarinets 
Percussion – Merriah Moore – (no placement for Percussionists)
Euphonium – Hali Wenglarz – 4th out of 5
Tuba – Brylan Cadwell – 6th out of 10

Congratulations to this incredible group of musicians.  Thanks for representing SNU well!  We are proud of you.

SNU takes first Chair, Horn, and 3 of the top four Trumpet chairs.
Caleb Zimmer, Emanuel Terrazas, Prof. Ricky Spears, Andrew Travis, Evan Houston.