Returning to college as an adult comes with its fair share of financial concerns. Debt, childcare, the cost of tuition, and the potential for lost wages from missed work can all be major deterrents to pursuing the future of your dreams.

Fortunately, thanks to financial aid, you don’t have to save for years to afford college. Most incoming students are eligible, even if they don’t have great credit or an outstanding academic record. 

Navigating your options does require some time and effort, but with a little diligence, you may pay little or nothing out of pocket. To better help you understand your options, we’ve put together a comprehensive e-book, The Complete Guide to Financial Aid.

SNU - Financial Aid Guide CoverThe guide will walk you through:

  • The different types of financial aid
  • What does filling out a FAFSA entail? 
  • How to decide which option is right for you
  • How financial aid is different for adult students
  • And more!

Fill out the form to download The Complete Guide to Financial Aid today, and be one step closer to pursuing the education you deserve!

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