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Student Success Tips

7 Ways to Start Strong in College

September 11, 2019 |

Whether it's been five, ten or fifteen years since you've been in school, you can still start your classes off strong. Laying a good foundation will...

front gates of Southern Nazarene University

7 Reasons to Attend a Christian College

August 30, 2019 |

Finding the right college takes thought and evaluation. Degree programs, tuition, classroom environment, accreditation, career placement - all are...

Instructor working with adult students in class
Adult Education

Benefits of Adult College Programs

August 30, 2019 |

Being an adult student positions you for success in ways that aren’t typically available in a traditional setting. With age comes wisdom, and,...

person sitting on couch working on laptop
Student Success Tips

7 Reasons to Take Gen Eds Online

August 22, 2019 |

In 2019, we’re not tied down to much. We can work remotely, send messages electronically, pay our bills online, and we can take college classes...

multiple sets of hands sitting at a table
Online Degree Programs

Oklahoma Needs Counselors. Could You Be One?

August 20, 2019 |

While Oklahoma is a great place to live and attend college, several issues face our state that will need mental health professionals to help solve. A...

Instructor teaching class
Online Degree Programs

Financial Benefits of an MBA and M.S. Management

August 20, 2019 |

There are a few magical letters in the world. Everyone generally likes hearing y-e-s. In baseball, it’s all about RBI. The military implements...

Untitled design (24)
Graduate Degrees

Work with the Elderly Outside of Retirement Homes

August 16, 2019 |

America is changing. People are aging and living longer. With more people living into advanced ages, the treatment needs of the community evolve....

front gates of Southern Nazarene University

What a Degree from a Christian College Says to Employers

August 15, 2019 |

Career advancement is the primary reason adult students go back to college. When researching future schools and their programs, savvy students make...

man wearing Master's graduation regalia at commencement
Online Degree Programs

5 Ways a Master's Degree Improves Career Prospects

August 13, 2019 |

It’s not difficult to get a job, but getting the job you want is a different story. If you’re like most people, you have a job or career path in mind...

Smiling student online

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