December 11, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
It can be easy to miss out on the services provided by your university when you don’t live on campus. Adult college students are especially prone to...
ReadDecember 5, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
One of the many decisions you’ll make in your educational journey is whether to attend school in person or online. If you’ve decided to continue your...
ReadNovember 29, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
Unemployment is down. Wages are up. Why should I get a degree?
ReadNovember 28, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
Technology has revolutionized the face of college education for working adult students. There are now more options than ever before. This is a prime...
ReadNovember 26, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
Getting all your ducks in a row to prepare your application for graduate school can be a lengthy and detailed process. Although Southern Nazarene...
ReadNovember 19, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
A million thoughts may have been going through their minds when they hit “apply,” but there was one that brought them to Southern Nazarene...
ReadNovember 16, 2018 | Guest Poster
By: Nicole Tropp, blog contributor Lost in the hustle and bustle of Christmas and the blitz to wrap up courses, there’s a little holiday called...
ReadNovember 16, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
Everyone knows how traditional classes work. You attend lecture, see your professor and fellow students face to face, and turn in your assignments....
ReadNovember 15, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
Continuing your education proves you’re looking to level up. Whether you started college to advance at work, fulfill a personal goal, or set a good...
ReadNovember 14, 2018 | SNU Professional and Graduate Studies
You’re chasing your dream of getting a college education but also working a full-time job. You know it won’t be easy, but you’re willing to put in...