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Adult Education

Why Accelerated Courses Work for Adults

February 1, 2019 |

It’s Tuesday afternoon, you’ve worked eight(+) hours, dropped the children off at the sitters, and you’re eating a quick bite before going to school...

hands typing on laptop surrounded by other screens
Online Degree Programs

Why a Degree in Network Management Will Take You Places

January 23, 2019 |

Technology and communication have permeated our society. If you’ve ever gone more than 15 minutes without the phones or the internet at work, you...

hat, stop watch and padfolio
Online Degree Programs

How to Land a Career in Sports Management

January 9, 2019 |

There’s more to athletics than the fans and the players. If there weren’t professionals to market the team or player, connect the fanbase to the...

newspaper, calculator and mug on table top
Online Degree Programs

4 Career Fields that Can Survive an Economic Downturn

January 4, 2019 |

The economy is strong and expanding right now. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, national unemployment dropped to 3.9 percent for December...

two women talking at a desk
Adult Education

Teachers: 4 Reasons to Get a Master's Degree

December 19, 2018 |

For teachers wanting to advance in their careers, furthering their education is an obvious next step. However, there are some concrete reasons why...

open laptop next to plant and phone
Student Success Tips

Best Tips for Online Students

December 5, 2018 |

One of the many decisions you’ll make in your educational journey is whether to attend school in person or online. If you’ve decided to continue your...

laptop, phone and planner on table
Student Success Tips

5 Reasons to Enroll in an Online Degree Program

November 28, 2018 |

Technology has revolutionized the face of college education for working adult students. There are now more options than ever before. This is a prime...

laptop sitting next to a small notebook
Student Success Tips

How Online Degree Programs Work

November 16, 2018 |

Everyone knows how traditional classes work. You attend lecture, see your professor and fellow students face to face, and turn in your assignments....

hands typing on laptop computer
Online Degree Programs

5 Things Your Educational Leadership Program Needs to Offer

October 16, 2018 |

If you’re looking to become a school administrator, getting the best education you can is paramount to serving your school well. So how do you decide...


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