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person writing on paper with pen
Adult Education

A Tool That Will Change the Way You Review Papers

March 5, 2019 |

You may or may not be aware that word processing programs have a built-in tool that allows you to quickly and easily view what changes and edits have...

Classmates standing together in graduation regalia
Adult Education

Going Back to School: Don't Do It Alone

February 19, 2019 |

One of the most valuable parts of being an adult student is the relationships you’ll make with your peers. The students attending class alongside you...

woman sitting behind desk smiling
Student Success Tips

How to Choose Your Major

February 12, 2019 |

Choosing a major isn’t like picking out a pair of shoes you can return if they don’t fit right. Depending on how far you are into your degree...

woman, sitting at laptop
Adult Education

Stress Management for Adult Students

January 31, 2019 |

Guess what? Going to school and working and keeping up with your responsibilities is going to be tough. You might get overwhelmed.

laptop computer displaying the time with flowers
Adult Education

5 Steps to Thriving as an Adult Student

January 23, 2019 |

Simply skating through college and getting the work done isn’t anyone’s idea of a great college experience. If you just want to tread water and get a...

cupcake and a cup of coffee
Adult Education

How to Stay Motivated as a Busy Adult Learner

January 23, 2019 |

Getting a college degree can be a lot like eating an elephant – time-consuming, overwhelming and difficult! Fortunately, the way to get through both...

two people sitting around a laptop
Adult Education

Student Success Series: How to Ask for Help

January 10, 2019 |

When you’re an adult and have lived through career changes, children being born, supporting parents, and all the ups and downs of life, it can be...

person smiling, standing against blue wall
Adult Education

7 Motivational TED Talks for the Overwhelmed Adult Student

January 8, 2019 |

If you’re looking for some motivation, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re considering enrolling or are nearing graduation, these talks...

table covered with tape, ribbon, and packages
Adult Education

How to Navigate the Holidays as an Adult Learner

December 21, 2018 |

After Thanksgiving, we asked our adult students for their best tips on bouncing back after a break. They said one of the best ways to be successful...

blank notebook and pens on a table
Student Success Tips

Goals You Need to Set This Year

December 21, 2018 |

Whether you’re a fan of new year’s resolutions or not, there’s something to be said about committing to a new goal and turning over a new leaf....


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