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woman drinking from a mug close to window
Student Success Tips

What Most People Misunderstand About Attitudes

May 14, 2019 |

What is your attitude about life? Especially, what is your attitude when you are going through the storms of life?

black alarm clock
Student Success Tips

Time Management Tips from Adult Students

May 7, 2019 |

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Don’t judge me until you’ve walked a mile in my shoes"? The same can go for advice. Unless someone understands your...

celebrating with team
Student Success Tips

10 Decisions for a Good Attitude

May 3, 2019 |

By: Doug Samples, SNU Professional and Graduate Studies Chaplain

Alicia McCullar in the SNU Library
Student Success Tips

Are You Ready for College?

April 10, 2019 |

You might want to go back to school as an adult, but being ready to go back is an entirely different story. So how will you know when the time is...

man driving car
Student Success Tips

Do This During Your Commute to be More Productive

April 9, 2019 |

We’ve all heard that we should work smarter, not harder. Sometimes that phrase sounds like a cop-out. Maybe it’s just a faster way of expressing that...

bowl of cereal and cup of coffee by laptop
Student Success Tips

How to Get Energy for Class

April 3, 2019 |

Who doesn’t feel worn down from time to time? It’s natural to feel tired during the semester, especially as a working adult student. You’re juggling...

Student Success Tips

Why You Should Finish Your Bachelor's Degree

March 25, 2019 |

There’s never been a better time to be working toward your bachelor’s degree. Think about it. When have there been so many options and opportunities...

phone, calculator, clip board, mug, papers, and pen sitting on counter
Adult Education

Use These Resources to Succeed as an Adult Student

March 18, 2019 |

Have you ever gone to do a job around the house, only to learn you are missing something you absolutely need for a project? You have to decide...

cell phone on table
Adult Education

10 Must-Use Apps for Adult College Students

March 15, 2019 |

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how people managed to complete their schooling without the internet or computers. Now smartphones are making life even...

wallet, keyboard and cell phone
Adult Education

Student Discounts You Should Be Using

March 6, 2019 |

College is expensive. But you can use your status as a student to your advantage. You can search for retailers and services who offer a college...


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