Adult Education Blog | Southern Nazarene University

What's Your Story?

Written by Chaplain Doug Samples | Mar 29, 2019 10:13:29 PM



I love to hear stories!  (And I’d really love to hear YOUR story!)

Over the first eight months of serving as Chaplain for our SNU School of Professional and Graduate Studies, one of my most fascinating discoveries is that for many of our adult learners, the decision to enter our PGS program has come as a result of some kind of transitional life event. 

Faced with the death of a loved one or the birth of a child, a career promotion, a major relocation or even an empty nest, many of our learners have hit a tipping point that challenged them to acknowledge that it was time for their life to go in a new direction. “Where do I go now?  How do I find my new normal? Who is going to be my advocate for this next season of life? How do I hit the re-set button and get a new start on life?”

For many of our Professional Studies as well as our Graduate Studies students, SNU has become the answer to these demanding questions. We sincerely believe that “You were made for More” and we would love to be the place where people can search for that next step on the sometimes messy journey of life. Now that you have found your way here to SNU (Or maybe… now that the Lord has led you here!), my prayer as your Chaplain would be that your time here could be your best chance to take some significant steps forward.

Not just in your academic life, but in your spiritual life as well! A number of students have told me lately, “I’m ready for a better relationship with God. This is my time to get my spiritual life in order.”

If there is any way I could help you with your search, I would love to offer my time and my heart to you. Whether you are online, in Tulsa or Bethany, I have created a Prayer Request link that you could use to tell me your story, submit a prayer request or to set up a time for us to meet and talk.

I’d love to hear from you!