20 Ways to Recharge During the Holidays
As an adult student, finding some time to catch your breath can be pretty rare, but it’s one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Constantly being on the move gets us into the routine of rushing, going through the motions, and missing important moments. When we take time to clear our minds and relax, we are giving ourselves the chance to self-assess and get back to simple, enjoyable things like quality time with family, a good cup of coffee, or spending time in prayer.
Over this break, we challenge you to take a moment to yourself and spend it in a way that would allow you to make the most of your holiday break. Since we know you’re so used to being busy, here are some ways you can take some time to yourself.
- Go to a coffee shop and drink a cup of coffee without working on your homework.
- Find a quiet space in your house and spend time in conversation with God.
- Sit down with a family and have a real conversation, beyond the day-to-day.
- Catch a yoga class at one of your local studios.
- Download the Headspace app and try a free meditation.
- Wake up before everyone else and read while the house is quiet.
- Turn your phone off and watch an entire movie on Netflix.
- Watch a bunch of funny cat videos on Youtube.
- Take a warm bath with bubbles and candles.
- Play Sudoku or do a word search.
- Dive into your favorite novel.
- Bundle up and enjoy a walk through nature.
- Ask a friend you don’t see often to lunch.
- Try a new, easy recipe you found on Pinterest. (We have tons on this board!)
- Get to church early so you can spend time in reflection before hearing the message.
- Get a massage or mani/pedi.
- Turn off the alarm clock and relax in bed!
- Sit down to a nice dinner without the distraction of phones or television.
- Only attend the events you want to so you’re not overwhelmed.
- Spend time petting your dog or cat.
We hope you will return from the holiday break refreshed and ready to dive head first into your studies!