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7 Reasons to Take Gen Eds Online

7 Reasons to Take Gen Eds OnlineIn 2019, we’re not tied down to much. We can work remotely, send messages electronically, pay our bills online, and we can take college classes online. A college education is more accessible now than in any other time in history. Working adult students especially have more options to further their education than ever before. It’s never been a better time to take advantage of these opportunities and make your dreams a reality.

Related Article: How Online Classes Work

If you need more convincing to enroll online, we have laid out some reasons for you.

1. It’s convenient and flexible.

In online courses, you’re in control. As long as you’re completing assignments by the deadline, you can learn at your own pace. Online course portals allow for you to replay lectures as often as you need to adequately grasp the material. And at SNU, you’re able to complete one or more courses at a time.

2. You’ll have a comfortable learning environment.

Most gen eds at big colleges have high enrollment, and the large classroom can be intimidating. In online classes, the playing field is leveled. Students can freely comment on posts, videos, and student work or participate in class in a comfortable environment. Even though you’re not face-to-face with the other students, online courses offer a wide variety of outlets to share thoughts and ideas.

3. You can continue with your regular routine.

While you’re working on achieving your goals, you can continue working on everything else you’re responsible for. If you need to log-in and complete all your classwork in one sitting, or in small pieces as time allows, you have that option. Since your learning takes place on the schedule you dictate, you don’t have to worry about missing bedtime for the little ones, or taking time off work because you need to attend a lecture.

Is an online degree program ideal for your life situation? Download our guide,  What to Expect from an Online Degree Program, to find out!

4. You can improve your discipline.

Since you’re a working adult, you’ve become accustomed to performing under pressure and meeting project deadlines. There’s something to be said for working through complex ideas and new thought processes with a due date looming. You become more accountable for your learning when you’re enrolled in online classes. It’s up to you to set the pace and to take as much or as little time as you need to master the skills and material in your class.

Related Article: How to Succeed in Online Classes

5. You don’t have to commute.

Save time off your commute by taking your course in the comfort of your own home. Or at work over your lunch break. Or in a nearby coffeeshop early in the morning. When you take classes in person, you may have to spend hours commuting to class each week, and with a busy schedule, you need to save all the time you can so you can put it toward what is really important.

6. You can easily fulfill prerequisite or elective requirements.

Some programs require a certain number of credit hours or elective courses to begin or graduate. Taking gen eds online can be a simple way to meet these requirements without having to completely rearrange your schedule.

7. You can be there for friends and family.

Life happens. Family members get sick. Children have important recitals. Spouses earn a promotion. And then there are the little things you want to be there for: bedtime stories, class projects, goodnight hugs. When you take class online, you can choose what to do and when, leaving room for loved ones. You don’t need to sacrifice your joy to further your education.

At SNU, we understand the value of your time. So, if you have some college credits, or haven’t completed any general education courses, we offer gen eds online. If you’re interested in pursuing your education with the flexibility online classes can give you, click for more information! 

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