7 Ways to Start Strong in College
Whether it's been five, ten or fifteen years since you've been in school, you can still start your classes off strong. Laying a good foundation will be vital to reducing stress throughout the program. These seven steps will help create good habits that will follow you throughout your program and give you the space and time to figure out what works best for you.
Get organized now.
Your future self will thank you for establishing good habits and for making sure you’re organized right out of the gate. Know your schedule and set your routine now. Set a time to schedule, organize the files on your computer (or start a new system), and set up notebooks for each of your classes.
Take good notes.
Have you ever thought you understood an idea or concept in a lecture only to sit down to work on your assignment and have no idea what’s going on? Even if you seem to be grasping the information your professor is conveying, write everything down. It’s been proven that listening in addition to taking notes reinforces learning.
Stay on top of your readings and assignments.
Completing assignments on time and studying the readings for each lecture topic are small commitments that will make a big difference. If you’re making the baby steps, you’ll be ready for the final and the subsequent courses.
Start studying.
Take time to review your notes after each class so you’re not cramming for each exam. When you push it off for the last minute, even if you pass the test, you won’t retain the information you’ve regurgitated. By continually investing in your coursework, you’ll make the most of your time spent during the semester.
Make connections with your peers and professors.
College is a prime opportunity for networking in the professional world. As a working adult student, you already understand the value of relationships and connections. The people in your classes are not only similar professionally, they’re also like-minded in their drive to further their education. Having quality allies in your network is truly invaluable. Building lasting ties to your classmates and professors is an investment in your future.
Make health a priority.
That secret weapon for making it through the semester? Your health. Maintain a healthy lifestyle even while you’re seemingly burning the candle at both ends. Get regular sleep, eat a well-balanced diet, and stay active. The importance of health cannot be overstated. You need a healthy mind and body to perform at your best.
Schedule “me” time.
That other secret weapon to a successful semester? Your mental health. Don’t lose yourself in the mass of research papers and textbooks. Set aside time to decompress and focus on anything other than school or work. If you need a little help, make an appointment to meet a counselor at the university counseling center.
Since you will only take one class at a time at SNU, you can look forward to multiple fresh starts. Make them count!