9 Helpful Study Tips for Adult Learners
Preparing for exams may leave you flustered, especially if it’s been a decade (or more) since you’ve been in the classroom. Here are nine ways to study for (and ace!) your next exam.
1. Rewrite your notes
Revisit your notes and create a polished version, using your textbook or memory to fill in gaps. This will help you remember the material as well as give you better notes to study from!
2. Use Flashcards
Flashcards are a classic for a reason! Use them to quiz yourself and others over important materials. Bonus points if you get your family involved in your education!
3. Form a study group
Meet other students in your class and get together before exams to study. You can use one or all of the other methods to make your time together effective.
4. Pretend you’re teaching
“Teaching” the material to someone else, even if it’s an empty room, can help you process information and discover gaps in your knowledge. To make this even more effective, record yourself and listen to your “lesson” on your commute or during your workout!
5. Create a quiz
Use a service like Quizlet to create a quiz and practice online. You can also write out a test the old-fashioned way, make copies, and practice taking the exam by hand.
6. Review homework
Go over old homework assignments and quizzes. Oftentimes the questions will be similar on the test. Take extra time to look over questions you struggled with or got wrong to master the concepts.
7. Do practice questions
Many professors will provide a study guide or practice questions. Do not let this resource go to waste! Fill it out and use it to see areas where you might need to spend more time studying.
8. Read the text-book
Sit down with a notepad and actively read the textbook, taking notes as you go. Getting information directly from a source of reference can help prepare you for your exams.
9. See a tutor
If your university offers tutoring services or trainings, use them! Many tutors are happy to help you review information before an exam and often have study tips of their own.
Remember not to write off a study tip before you've tried it. Once you've found a system that works for you, use it religiously and you are sure to improve your grades and excel come exam time!