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A Jesus-Kind of Peace

A Jesus-Kind of Peace

By Chaplain Doug SamplesBlog peace


Can I interrupt these conversations about anxiety 

    to talk about peace?  

        During this Advent Season leading up to Christmas, 

             I can’t not talk about Jesus 

                 and the peace that He brings to us!


When we are faced with a perfect storm, 

   we desperately need a perfect PeaceGiver: 

       “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,

            will guard your hearts and minds

                 through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7


Perfect Storm = Cold Front + Hurricane-force winds + Raining Cats and Dogs!

Perfect Storm = A recession + Losing your job

Perfect Storm = A relationship breakup + Upside-down finances

Perfect Storm = Taking care of young children + Taking care of aging parents

Perfect Storm = One deadline + Another deadline + Another deadline

Perfect Storm = Challenging job + Challenging family situation + Challenging school work

Perfect Storm = Covid + Anything!!!! 


I was oblivious to my Perfect Storm

    until it had almost torn me apart!  

      I found myself kneeling at the altar at church

         in the middle of the afternoon crying out to God, 

            “What’s going on?  

                 Why can’t I get on top of this?  

                      Give me a break!  

                          Why aren’t You helping me fix this?”


My mind (and my heart) were spinning out of control.  

    I got up from the altar and got a legal pad 

        and started listing all the stuff that was stressing me out. 

            I ended up with a list of 18 things!!!  

                Personal stuff + Family stuff + Church stuff +++++! 


My first thought was, 

    “I feel better now that I know why I’m so worn out!”

         My second thought was, 

              “God, I obviously need Your help!”  DUH!


That time of prayer at the altar 

   started a six-month process 

      of trading my Perfect Storm for the Perfect PeaceGiver!  

          Thanks to slow, Sabbath, morning walks 

             and trusting God as the Guardian of my depressed mind and heart, 

                I was able to gradually find 

                    the all-surpassing peace of Christ returning to my life.


During this Advent Season, 

    my prayers are that you would be reminded 

        that Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus… 

           the Prince of Peace!


Have you faced that Perfect Storm?

   How did you get through it?

       Or are you currently in the middle of the Storm?

           I would love to hear your story.

               Take a moment and tell me about it.

                  Email me:

I invite you to use this form to share your prayer request with me.


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