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An Attitude of Gratitude!

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If retirement is for old people    

      then why am I retiring?  

        It seems like just a few weeks ago 

            that I was moving from California 

                 to come to Southern Nazarene University.


After 20+ years of being a pastor 

    and 20+ years of being a professor 

        in the School of Theology and Ministry

           and now five years as Chaplain 

                for our School of Professional and Graduate Studies…

                    it’s time to retire!

As with any transition in life,

     retirement can be filled with lots of anxiety:

  • Will I have enough money to live comfortably?
  • What am I going to do with all my time?
  • What if I’m bored?
  • Where will I find my significance?


Undoubtedly, there will be plenty 

   of twists and turns in the road ahead 

       and some of them will surely test me 

           in ways that, as of now, I can only imagine.  


However, I aspire to face those challenges 

   with the same confidence 

      that God gave to Joshua so many years ago:  

         “Do not be afraid or terrified,

            for the Lord your God goes with you; 

                he will never leave you nor forsake you.”  

                     (Deuteronomy 31:6)


As I look back over my life and ministry, 

    my heart is filled to overflowing

        with gratitude for all that God has given to me

            and all the ways He has led me into green pastures.  

Following Gods’ call and adventure 

    has taken me further than any dream I ever had for myself!


Allow me to close with Paul’s prayer for his Philippian friends

     as if it is also my prayer for you!


I thank my God every time I remember you. 

   In all my prayers for all of you, 

       I always pray with joy because of your partnership 

          in the gospel from the first day until now, 

               being confident of this, 

that he who began a good work in you 

    will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.


It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, 

   since I have you in my heart and, 

       whether I am in chains 

           or defending and confirming the gospel,

              all of you share in God’s grace with me. 

God can testify how I long for all of you 

    with the affection of Christ Jesus.


And this is my prayer:

    that your love may abound more and more

       in knowledge and depth of insight, 

            so that you may be able to discern

                what is best.

                    (Philippians 1:3-10)

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