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Finding Your Calling

Decisions for a Positive Attitude

This is the second in a series of articles Chaplain Doug Samples has shared called 10 Decisions for a Positive Attitude. Decision #10 is, “Decide to dream big dreams for God.” You can view all 10 decisions here.

The very best way to have a great attitude is to “Decide to Dream BIG Dreams for God!”

Friends, I don’t believe that accepting Jesus as your personal Savior guarantees that life is always going to be happy and that you are never going to have any problems. Nevertheless, I DO believe that when we yield our lives to God and invite His dreams to be our dreams…that’s when life can get really exciting!

Over the past 50 years, I have lived an overflowing life that has taken me almost all the way around the world! Living. The. Dream!

Instead of being trapped in the smallness of me and my dreams, my life has been set free to pursue huge, God-sized dreams.

The best way to secure a raise is to simply ask. But how should you approach  the conversation with your boss? This infographic has the answers.

Fredrick Buechner says it perfectly: “God’s call on your life is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” 

So, let me ask you:  What are you passionate about? If you could do something great for God, what would it be?

Please don’t get a diploma from SNU just to get a promotion to another job! Don’t settle for a job!  Or a career!  Or even a profession! YOU WERE MADE FOR MORE!

What you are looking for is a Calling! A place where your great passion meets the world’s deep need!

It might seem daunting, but remember, Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!”

Grace and Peace to you today!  You are in my prayers!

How to ask your boss for a raise

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