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Goals You Need to Set This Year

blank notebook and pens on a tableWhether you’re a fan of new year’s resolutions or not, there’s something to be said about committing to a new goal and turning over a new leaf. Setting a resolution, whether it’s to read The Bible for fifteen minutes every day or lose ten pounds, shows your hope and commitment for a better you.

As you’re setting goals, try to make them manageable, achievable, and memorable. Think about what you are likely to accomplish so you can celebrate your successes rather than feel guilty about your shortcomings. Here are some areas to consider to make this year your best one yet.

Time Management

Busy lives call for great scheduling! Going into the new year as an adult student means you will need top-notch time management skills. Think of some goals you can set to help you on this path. Maybe you will start writing all assignments down in a planner or completing every homework assignment a day ahead of schedule!

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Go from surviving to thriving academically this year. Since you are always growing as an adult student, think of ways to improve your study or learning methods. This year could be the time to buy a big pack of pens and color code your notes. Or, you could make a resolution to complete the assigned reading before class begins.


While college is a big investment, you need to invest in your spirituality as well. What are some ways you can solidify your relationship with God and grow as a servant? There are plenty of plans that allow you to read the entire Bible in a year. You could also commit to spending five minutes in prayer every morning or begin volunteering at church.


Fitness-related resolutions may seem cliché, but only because health is so vitally important. Maybe losing fifty-pounds isn’t on your radar, but there are plenty of other ways to become healthier, such a drinking more water, getting enough sleep, or going on more walks.


This could be your year to reach whatever financial goals you have. Consider ways to improve your finances, from going out to eat less, contributing more to your retirement plan, or even starting a side-hustle to bring in some extra spending money.


Sometimes important relationships can get set on the back burner in the hustle and bustle of life. Be intentional this year with your loved ones. What are some ways you can show the people around you how much you care? You could set weekly lunch dates, commit to sending letters each month, or reconnect with a long-lost friend.

Whatever goals you set this year, we know you can achieve it. Being an adult student is no easy feat, and if you’ve made it this far, you are on the right path.

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