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God Knows Your Name

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I love it when I go to my favorite coffeeshop and my barista knows my name.

“Doug, your grande, extra hot, no foam, hazelnut latte is ready!” What a great way to start the day!

So, according to the World Population Clock at 9:27am on April 17, 2019, there are 7,697,866,876 people on Planet Earth. I’m guessing there are not enough baristas to remember all those names. But throughout the Bible, God seems to indicate that He knows the names of all 7.7 billion people living on Planet Earth!

On that first Easter Sunday, after Jesus has been raised from the dead by His Heavenly Father, the disciples and Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that it was empty. In that liminal space between clueless and believing, the disciples ran back to town, while Mary lingered by the empty tomb, confused by her doubts and fears.

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A person came to Mary and asked, “Why are you crying?”

Thinking he was the gardener, her hopeless reply was, “They have taken my Lord away, and I don’t know where to find him.”

Then the gardener, who was actually Jesus in his unrecognizable resurrected body, called her by name: “Mary!”

At the calling of her name, Mary’s eyes were opened and her heart was filled with the Resurrection!

By faith, believing in the power of the resurrected Jesus, I want to declare to you today that God knows YOUR name! Whether you are a great Christian saint… or a NOT so great Christian saint, God knows your name!

He knows:

  • The failures of your past.
  • The concerns you have for today.
  • Your fears for the future!

The Good News of Easter Sunday is that the God who raised Jesus from the dead and spoke hope to a confused young lady named Mary KNOWS YOUR NAME! I hope you can hear Him calling your name today!

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

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