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Making Happiness a Journey, Before and After Graduation

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This is the third in a series of articles Chaplain Doug Samples has shared called 10 Decisions for a Positive Attitude. Decision #3 is, “Decide to Get in the Fun Car.” You can view all 10 decisions here.

When I first moved to Oklahoma from California, people asked me on a regular basis, “Do you like living in OKC?” To which I would reply, “Sure!  I love it!” And they would respond, “Oh, I’m glad you like it here.”

What they did not know is that I decided a long time ago that I was going to be happy no matter where I lived! So… I loved living in Detroit, Michigan, in the 1970’s when it was the murder capital of the world. I loved living in Bowling Green, Ohio, where the blizzards would shut down civilization! I loved living in the Central Valley of California where it was 105 degrees all summer!

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I decided long ago that happiness is not a destination. It’s a decision


One of the reasons many people aren’t happy is that they seem to believe that they can’t be happy until they reach some “out there” goal or destination.

“When I get THERE… then I will be happy!” When I get that promotion… When I get married… When I get married again… When I finish this degree… When I retire and move to Colorado…

I love setting goals! AND reaching them! But my happiness is not dependent on reaching my goals. 

If I have a choice in the matter (and I think I do!), I’m going to choose to be happy NOW while I am working hard to achieve my goals.

The joy is in the journey… not just achieving the journey’s end!

  • We don’t have to be controlled by our current circumstances.
  • We don’t have to rant and rave against our most recent pet peeve.   
  • We don’t have to hold a grudge.
  • We don’t have to bite everyone’s head off.
  • We don’t have to point out the 17 ways our boss (or our spouse) is wrong!

These are all choices! You and I have a choice as to how we are going to approach life!

As Scott Peck says in the opening line of his book, The Road Less Traveled, “Once we truly know that life is difficult – once we truly understand and accept it – then life is no longer difficult.”

You and I get to choose our attitude today! 

I’m gonna go in the Fun Car. I invite you to join me.

time management for adult students

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