Happy Flag Day from SNU
Today, June 14th, is Flag Day and the U.S. Army’s birthday! SNU is honored to highlight Hannah Davis- a sophomore pursuing a degree in Global Studies, participating on the women’s rugby team, and serving in the Army ROTC program.
Hannah learned about SNU when she was recruited by Coach Gilliland to the women’s rugby team. “I am so glad I decided to come to SNU. The team and group of girls have especially made a hug difference in my life- I love them all!”

Always wanting to be in the military, Hannah decided to join the Army ROTC program. This year, she was wareded a 3-year scholarship through the UCO Army ROTC. She says this life-changing accomplishment will allow her to continue to purse her college degree without having to worry about graduating with debt.
“ROTC has sharpened my leadership skills in many ways. For example, I am more comfortable speaking in front of a group of people because of the assignments we have had in class. About a month ago, I attended an FTX (Field Training Exercise) for a weekend at Fort Sill where I was put in a platoon with other cadets from OSU, OU, UCO, OC, and Cameron University. I got to meet new people and expand my knowledge of what I had committed to. I am still developing my leadership skills but they have grown this last semester.”

Being a part of ROTC requires students to maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, attend all activities and events required for the program, attend classes and labs specifically for ROTC- all while fulfilling day-to-day duties as a full-time student (and in Hannah’s case, a student-athlete. She has excelled in her various roles, and SNU is so proud of her hard work and continued devotion to all she is involved in.
“I would encourage anyone interested in the program to reach out to the VETS Center to learn more and get connected. The were integral in helping me get involved!” Learn more about the VETS Center here.