How SNU Serves Veterans
Service to others is integral to SNU’s mission, “To make Christlike disciples through higher education in Christ-centered community.” That’s why there are operations in place to serve veterans and their families, people who have selflessly served our country.
“I love the way SNU invests in the men and women who sacrificed to defend our freedom,” said SNU President, Keith Newman. “At our university we speak often about a concept we describe as LiveLast. The idea is based on words of Jesus in Mark 9:35. Our military veterans are truly servants who take these words to heart and demonstrate this type of leadership.”
The Veterans Education Transitions Success (VETS) Center serves veterans and their families, helping them make the most of their educational benefits and assisting in their transition to academic, civilian life.
“Our goal is to help these dedicated men and women find personal success in achieving their educational goals,” Newman said.
In 2018, 111 veterans graduated from SNU with help from the VETS Center. If you want to learn more about how SNU serves veterans in Bethany, Tulsa, and other locations, visit pgs.snu.edu/veterans.