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How to Navigate the Holidays as an Adult Learner

table covered with tape, ribbon, and packagesAfter Thanksgiving, we asked our adult students for their best tips on bouncing back after a break. They said one of the best ways to be successful is to set goals before the break and then push through after the holidays are over. Here is what they said:

Remember why you started.

“I prioritized too many other things in my life, and now it’s time to prioritize something that will make me a better person. I should’ve completed my education long ago, and I’m regretting it. I won’t let myself create another regret.”

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Create a schedule.

“I have to force myself to follow a target schedule in getting everything accomplished.”

“To have a schedule and include all assignments due in a specific time-frame.”

Work in manageable chunks.

“I try to continue even through the break by consistently doing a little reading.”

"I make sure to spend at least an hour doing something to minimize the impact of the entire load. When you work at it little by little, the load is not so heavy when you come back from break.”

Keep your momentum.

“I didn’t stop. There’s always time to study, even during a holiday.”

“Still read and make priority lists to keep you motivated while you are taking a break. Working ahead also keeps you on track.”

However you decide to prioritize your studies, make sure it works for you! Going back to school is a big investment, and with some careful planning and hard work, you can make the most of it.

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