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More Prayer... Less Anxiety!

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It’s amazing how many times in the Bible,    

    Jesus asks someone, 

         “What would you like me to do for you?”  


A simple question 

   that reminds us how much He loves us 

       AND how much he desires to help us 

           with whatever it is that is troubling us!

It’s not like Jesus is Santa Claus

    or some kind of benevolent grandmother 

         who wants to shower us with gifts and presents.  

But it is true that we are encouraged to 

   “be anxious for nothing, but in everything…

       let your requests be known to God.” 

            Philippians 4:6


Still not convinced? 

   Let me try this again:  

      “Cast all your anxiety on him 

           because he cares for you.” 

                1st Peter 5:7


So… it’s as simple as this: 

   we can be anxious, 

       …or we can pray!  


(If it really is this easy, 

   then why do I so often forget to pray? 

       Confession Time: 

           it is easier to write this 

               than to do this!)


I continue to draw strength and encouragement 

   from Max Lucado’s book, 

       Anxious For Nothing.  

          At one point, Max talks about how the Bible 

              invites us to make our prayer(s) 

                  specifically known to God.


Max suggests…

A specific prayer is a serious prayer!  

A specific prayer is an opportunity to see God at work!

A specific prayer creates a lighter load!


Again, I am not suggesting

   that we can put a dime in the slot 

       and pull the handle 

            and get whatever we want from God.  

Of course, it doesn’t work like that.  

    He is not going to be manipulated 

         by our magic words.  


However, when we have thought through our anxiety 

     enough to name our demons 

         and clarify our request(s), 

             we have made ourselves open 

                 and receptive 

                     to the rescuing work of God.


Next time you are reading the Bible

     for your devotions,

         keep an eye out for how specific 

             and detailed some of the prayers are.  

Watching God respond to the prayers of others

    will encourage us to boldly go before the throne

         with our own prayers and petitions.


I invite you to use this form to share your prayer request with me.

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