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10 Must-Use Apps for Adult College Students

cell phone on tableSometimes it’s hard to imagine how people managed to complete their schooling without the internet or computers. Now smartphones are making life even easier for college students. There are numerous tools available to make your life more organized and convenient.

Here are some of the best apps for college students:

Chegg Books

Most college students know Chegg Books provides textbooks for low prices to buy or to rent. Using the app, you can view your etextbook on Chegg eReader. This app is accessible on all your devices and allows you to take notes directly in the app.

Chegg Study is a homework help subscription app. If you need a little extra help with a course, you can utilize this app’s study tips, submit questions to the experts 24/7, and even review other users’ previous questions. Remember, this app requires a $15 monthly subscription. So, you might want to take the fee into consideration.


Dropbox is an online storage platform that allows multiple users to access files without being tied to the same server. Dropbox can be a lifesaver for group projects and saves you the hassle of needing to carry around a flash drive!


What doesn’t Evernote do? If you’re managing several to-do lists, writing checklists every day, trying to remember URLs, creating audio reminders for yourself and so on, your best bet is to store that information in Evernote. This app will sync across all your devices and keeps your tasks easily searchable within the app. If you download one app from the list, make sure this is it!

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Remember when we mentioned that things are not like they were in the old days? This is one of those things! No more writing flashcards on index cards. Flashcards+ is another Chegg app that allows you to create your own flashcards that you can take anywhere without worrying about your rubber band breaking. Customizable studying, for the win!

Google Drive & G Suite

Google Drive, how you’ve changed the world for the better. Your programs are universal and your UI is simplistic. If you find yourself working on assignments from multiple computers or if you’re working on group projects, you need to have Google Drive in your arsenal - the individual G Suite apps are really at your discretion. It’d be prudent to utilize both Google Drive and Dropbox.

IStudiez Pro

This app calls itself the legendary planner. It allows you to organize your schedule, keep a separate list of homework assignments and class projects, and even track your grades within the app. If you’re struggling to stay on top of all your responsibilities, this app is well worth the $2.99 price tag.


As an adult college student, you should already be established on LinkedIn. If you’re not on the professional social network yet, you need to set that up as soon as you can. Networking in college is important. Don’t allow your professional presence to flounder just because you’re in college. If you don’t have a job, you’re going to need one. If you do have a job, who knows where your network will lead you in the future.

YouVersion Bible App

If you need guidance or to fit in some quick bible reading time, download YouVersion, an app that allows you to take your preferred version of the bible with you everywhere you go. As a benefit, it’s free and was created by an SNU grad!


Ever feel like you never have time to think? HeadSpace can help with that. The app has pre-made meditations that allow your mind time to relax and get refocus, in addition to recordings that can help you fall asleep or wake up in the morning.


Juggling everything is tough, so finding thirty minutes to sit down and sort through emails can be a challenge. Make sure to sync your student email to an app on your phone so you can get real-time updates from your professors and other university officials!

The ways that our lives have been made easier by technology are astounding. College is tough. It’s even tougher when you’re a working adult student. Put some of that burden on these apps for college students. There’s no need why you should endure difficulties you don’t have to. Subscribe to this blog to be sure you're getting all the helpful information you can!

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