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Program Director Q&A with Tyoto D. Wardlow, MS

Tyoto Wardlow, MS Q&A


What do you believe is the most valuable element of your program?

The most valuable element in our program is the instructors. Our professors are experts in their field and continue their learning journey daily. As a staff, we care about our students and understand life has its ups and downs. We are always willing to work with students as situations arise. Our program is completely online and classes are taken one at a time and are five weeks long. This is a huge benefit for working adults as it cuts down on the amount of time it takes to complete their degree and keeps learners engaged and eager to finish the program.  The cohort model allows students to complete the program with a built-in support network, this is especially important in online learning and helps our students transition from the classroom into their profession with a network of professional contacts. 

How/Why did you enter this field?

The field of Criminal Justice was something I sought out because I wanted to become a police officer and make a difference both in my community and in the world.  This career has allowed me to do that in many ways. Sometimes people have a negative view of police officers and it has been my desire to overcome that view and for the people who interacted with me to come away with a positive view. I wanted people to feel safe when I was around, and for them to know when called upon I was there for them. I wanted to make the world a better place.


What advice would you give to someone interested in your program/industry?

Criminal Justice is broader than just law enforcement. To succeed, students need to have an open mind and be ready to affect people's lives. This field has so many options, but they all end with making a difference in someone's life. Being in this field allows you to have a lot of influence, so make sure you are using it in a positive way and creating positive changes, ultimately glorifying God. 

What course is your favorite to teach and why?

My favorite course is Criminal Law. When I say I love this course, I love it. This course allows you to study all crimes but also explores why people commit crimes. We will have an opportunity to research certain crimes and the people who committed the crimes and why some people chose to break the law. This course also allows students to discover crimes they maybe did not know were crimes and the origin and history of criminal law.  This is a great course.

How does a student succeed in your program? 

The biggest tip I can give is to keep up with your studies, learn from others in your program and develop your support network, and communicate with your professor. Life circumstances creep up on us and school work will fall behind, but having support in place and communicating with your professors will be vital. 

What is your favorite book/podcast? Or a good one you have read/listened to recently?

I love to read self-help books and listen to self-help podcasts. I am a believer in the better we are as a person, the better we are to those we serve. We can not be good servants if we don’t strive to be the best versions of who we are. The more we learn about who we are and the more honest we are with ourselves, the better servants we become. At the end of the day, I believe we were put on earth to serve other people.

Anything else you would like to share?

Fear is not a good motivator in life, not for prospective students, and not for people in general. You are never too old, too busy, or incapable of achieving your goals. Surround yourself with people who will speak faith into your life and encourage you to accomplish your dreams. Talk to me or your enrollment counselor about any fear you have and we can work through it. Continuing your education is a great goal, and we are here to help you through the process!


Learn more about SNU's Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. 


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