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SNU Welcomes Steve Farmer- Director and Chief of Police

Meet Steve Farmer, Southern Nazarene University’s new Director and Chief of Police! Before SNU, Farmer served for 22 years in Dublin, Ohio, where he achieved the rank of lieutenant. It was there that he coordinated the security for the PGA Memorial Tournament and the 2013 Presidents Cup. In 2019, he began serving as Chief of Police for the City of Upper Arlington, Ohio, before coming here to SNU. 

Farmer did not always imagine himself in law enforcement. Farmer served as a mental health counselor in Columbus, Ohio, for ten years after obtaining his Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Psychology from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 1986 before beginning his law enforcement career. He says, “I absolutely loved working in mental health after college and using that experience as a law enforcement officer was very beneficial. Serving others is a theme in my family, and law enforcement has given me that platform for many years.”

After working in local government for 27 years, Farmer wanted the opportunity to work for an organization that shared his values, and he found SNU to be just that place. He says, “My wife and I planned to move to Kentucky or Tennessee after retiring from Upper Arlington. My wife saw the posting for this position, and we felt we shouldn’t limit what God has for us, so I applied. God opened several doors for us- making it very clear that our mission was here! My interviews with the university’s administration further confirmed that we were at the center of God’s will for our family.”

Now on campus, Farmer hopes to use his rich experience in law enforcement to grow the SNU Department of Public Safety. He believes in the mission of SNU and has a passion for integrating law enforcement into the fabric of the SNU community. He also hopes to build community by prioritizing relationships with staff and students alike, all while working to exemplify the mission of SNU- to make Christ-like disciples through higher education. Farmer is committed to growing new leaders in law enforcement and facilitating personal growth in each individual he works with.

God is at the center of Steve’s story, and God has blessed his family in many ways. He wishes to be a positive influence on everyone he meets and believes that the SNU Department of Safety allows him to do this very thing. Steve believes his calling is to help the helpless and looks to James 1:27 for this reminder which states, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world”. Steve believes that if he takes this to heart and serves with compassion, then he can not only contribute to the mission of SNU but also to the mission of God to build His kingdom. 

Please join us in welcoming Steve Farmer to the SNU Family!

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