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Things That Go Bump In The Night

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Things That Go Bump In The Night

By PGS Chaplain Doug Samples


What is it that has you scared these days?  

      What are you facing that is intimidating?  

What part of life is feeling out of control?

From time to time, I like to survey people

     to see what kind of fears we are dealing with.  

         The most interesting response I have ever received was… 

               “I’m afraid that someone will discover that I am a fraud.”

                      What a haunting response!

Other responses have been much more typical fears, like…

     Fear of Failure in my Marriage… my Family… my Children.

         Fear of Rejection.

              Fear of Being Alone.

Fear of Failure in My Career or in My Finances.

     Fear of never being able to Please God.

            Fear of the Unknown Future.

So… I’m wondering, while we are still stuck 

     in the endless spin cycle of this ongoing Covid Pandemic, 

          what kind of fears are you facing these days?

Often, when we read the Bible

     and hear God saying, “Don’t be afraid,” 

we are looking at critical, pivotal times 

     when people are going into battle,

           facing giants, and leaving their comfort zone. 

Their fear causes them to stop and ask,

     “God, are you sure about this?

What we discover is that 

                   fear can actually be a healthy emotion!

When we are scared, overwhelmed, 

     and facing a situation that is out of control… 

that is a great time to slow down, 

     be careful, and seek God’s wisdom: 

          “Lord, even though this feels out of control, 

     can You assure me that You are still in control?”

If you are going through a difficult, fearful time 

      I invite you to use this form to share 

your prayer request (your fears)with me 

      so I can join you on the journey.  


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