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Jarrett Cannon

Jarret Cannon: A Father, Teacher, Coach, and Future Administrator

Jarrett CannonMeet one of SNU’s 2024 Master of Arts in Educational Leadership (MAEL) graduates: Jarret Cannon. Cannon has been married to his wife, Ruthie, for 23 years. They reside in Pocola, Oklahoma, and have two sons, Jordan and Jaxson, and a daughter, Mishaya. Cannon has worked at Pocola Public Schools as a teacher and football, basketball, and baseball coach for over ten years.

Before serving in education, Cannon delivered pharmaceuticals for a third-party delivery company as an independent contractor for 14 years. He then decided to go back to school and finish his degree so he could teach and coach. He said, “I enjoyed coaching my kids' teams so much that I wanted to do it for a career. Ten years later and I am still doing it!” 

Cannon’s motivation for completing his master’s degree was admirable. He said, “I wanted to set another good example for my children. I was undecided if I wanted to pursue it until one day my daughter convinced me to on our ride to school. I wasn’t about to let her down.” Cannon is now the first in his family to earn an associate's degree, bachelor's degree, and master’s degree!

When looking at schools to complete his master’s degree program, SNU was recommended to Cannon by his superintendent, Richard Haynes, Ed.D. who had completed his doctorate at SNU. When asked why he chose SNU Cannon said, “I enjoyed my instructors and classmates. It appealed to me that this course would be sufficient for both Principal and Superintendent testing.”

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Earning a master’s degree from SNU has served Cannon well. He said, “Even though I didn’t necessarily enjoy all of the presentations we had to do, I realized they were preparing me for the public speaking engagements I would have to do as an administrator.” He continued, “[My master’s degree] was absolutely worth it.”

With his master’s under his belt, Cannon plans to pursue an administrator position in the coming years. SNU is proud of Jarret Cannon’s hard work and commitment to education. We cannot wait to see all he will accomplish and the lives he will impact!

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Emma Dilbeck is a senior biology-chemistry major and English minor from Mustang, Oklahoma. She is very involved on campus and has held many roles over her time at SNU. She currently serves as The Echo (student newspaper) Editor-in-Chief, a student worker in the Health Center, a Presidential Leadership Scholar, and a member of SNU's Honors Program, premedical honors program, and biology honors program. Outside of SNU, she volunteers at Crossings Community Clinic as a volunteer medical assistant. Emma is planning to become a Physician Assistant (PA) and work in gastroenterology while also continuing her writing career.

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