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New Criminal Justice Program at SNU

SNU Brings Criminal Justice Program to Tulsa and Online

Part of SNU’s push to make graduating with a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree possible for adult students is to offer programs both in person and online. The latest option to become available at SNU is Criminal Justice, which will be offered concurrently at SNU-Tulsa and completely online.

"We are pleased to offer the criminal justice degree online so adults can access the program from a location that is convenient for them,” said SNU President Keith Newman. “This also allows the principles taught in this program to extend beyond our local reach.”

While SNU has locations in Bethany, Tulsa, and Del City, a need for trained law enforcement officials statewide drove the decision to offer the Criminal Justice program online, said program director, Patrick Calhoun, who worked in law enforcement for 24 years. His experience in the field allowed him to keep current working adults in mind in the design of SNU’s Criminal Justice program.

Some ways SNU-Tulsa has helped adult students reach their potential is by offering classes one night a week and allowing students take a single subject at a time before moving onto the next. They may also earn up to thirty hours of college credit for life and work experience, shortening the path to graduation. In addition, offering the online and in-person options concurrently sets those already working full-time jobs up for success.

“They don’t have to drop out of school because they get activated in the military or because they go through a shift change,” Calhoun said. “That is a unique characteristic, compared to all the criminal justice programs in Oklahoma.”

While a degree isn’t required at all police departments, Calhoun shared police academy candidates who possess a bachelor’s degree may be more competitive applicants than those who don’t, as well as making them more qualified for leadership positions further along in their careers.

“We are developing leaders within the criminal justice system who have a grace-filled, compassionate worldview that believes in truth and justice,” Calhoun said.

President Newman added, “The preparation of professionals who understand the criminal justice program and can work to bring peace and safety to their communities aligns perfectly to SNU's mission." 

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