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Succeeding as a Veteran

military uniform with name tagTransitioning out of the military can be as confusing as transitioning into the military. When you add higher education into the mix, you can get lost. Southern Nazarene University offers a place for veterans to escape the confusion: the Veterans Educational Transitions Success (VETS) Center.

An Organizational Leadership student, Stephen Sharp, expressed the importance of support in his educational journey. Between services provided at the VETS Center and networking opportunities with other students, he said his time at SNU was almost like never leaving the military community.

“To have that place where I can go and have access to my military benefits and be able to talk to someone who knows specifically my situation is awesome,” Sharp said.

The VETS Center offers that place for you to come and ask questions about your education and walk you through the process of earning your degree. With the resources you will be provided and the programs we offer, you can earn your degree without having to put your everyday life on hold.

More than physical resources, the VETS Center at SNU provides a welcoming and understanding atmosphere that our students have found to be motivating. You will find that our staff is here to support you in your education and wants to see you succeed. Whether you need tutoring, academic advising, counseling, or spiritual guidance, you do not have to have go on this journey alone. The VETS Center has a community that understands not only the stage of life you are in now, but also the stages of life you have experienced.

SNU cares about our veterans and wants to see you rise through the ranks of life. To learn more about the VETS Center and ways they can set you on the path to completing a degree, click here.

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