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Bachelor of Science in Music

A Bachelor of Science in Music is a degree that includes a Major in Music with an emphasis in Commercial Music Production or Music Performance. A Music Performance Emphasis offers a choice of Concentration between Vocal, Instrumental, or Keyboard Performance.

The School of Music offers you the opportunity to study with credentialed faculty as you journey toward graduation, another step closer to reaching your goals. These scholars with a Christian worldview will mentor and guide you along the way.  SNU’s smaller size allows students to interact with faculty — not only in the classroom, but also through impactful mentoring, personal advising, and meaningful research. Come and be known; come and belong.


Commercial Music Production Emphasis

Our Commercial Music Production Emphasis is unique in the region by offering a full music degree coupled with a broad exposure to the many “systems” of the music industry including audio engineering, producing, publishing, and songwriting. Our program is far more than just a technical degree.

We equip you with the broad knowledge base and skill set needed to pursue a career in the music industry. At SNU we work hard to prepare you for the continually changing face of music production technology by giving you early and frequent exposure to our fully equipped, on-campus recording studio. You will have opportunities to work in a variety of on-campus and off-campus venues with individual students, student groups, and outside guest artists in actual hands-on recording/ sound engineering sessions.

The Program

  • Contains substantial music requirements with specific training on the instrument of your choice
  • Offers broad exposure to the many systems of the music industry including engineering, producing, publishing and songwriting
  • Prepares students to work with the latest recording technology
  • Provides early and frequent exposure to our fully equipped commercial recording studio
  • Presents an option to work and study in the heart of the recording industry with an internship in Nashville

The Preparation

  • SNU graduates hold the knowledge to get great jobs or continue their education
  • Our professors open up their circle of influence and network to help students land their dream jobs
  • Each year more and more of our graduates are accepted into some of the finest graduate and professional schools in the country including Boston Conservatory, Southern Methodist University, University of Oklahoma and more.


When you graduate with your degree in commercial music production from SNU, you’ll have the preparation you need for a successful career in many professional pursuits such as:

  • Performer
  • Studio Musician
  • Songwriter / Composer
  • Recording Engineer
  • Music Producer
  • And many other career options

Worship Arts Emphasis

The Program

  • Unique blend of courses from several departments including music, theology, music business and graphic design
  • Designed to prepare students for all aspects of music ministry
  • Develops students’ technological expertise allowing them to function and thrive in modern churches
  • Includes required internship hours available in a variety of churches to fit individual student interests


  • After graduation, students can expect to begin their ministry leading worship music either through churches or independently for conferences and other venues.
  • Our graduates serve as music ministers across the United States and beyond

Music Performance Emphasis

SNU’s Music Performance Emphasis is, in one word, versatile. A combination of theory and practice provide an emphasis that prepares you for a wide range of work. During your time at SNU you will develop a diverse skill set through a number of unique learning opportunities. Log hours in our state of the art recording studio. Perform a variety of musical genres from classical to sacred to secular. Or join the nationally recognized U Singers, SNU’s jazz group. Whatever your desire in music performance, SNU has the opportunities for you to thrive. With individualized attention from exemplary faculty with extensive connections, you will be prepared to perform at any level. With this Emphasis added to the Bachelor of Science in Music, students choose one of the following Concentrations.

Instrumental Concentration

SNU graduates hold the knowledge to get great jobs or continue their education. Our professors open up their circle of influence and network to help students land their dream jobs. Each year more and more of our graduates are accepted into some of the finest graduate and professional schools in the country including Boston Conservatory, Texas Women’s University, University of Oklahoma and more.

The Program

  • Combines theory and practice providing a degree that prepares students for a wide range of work
  • Develops a unique skill set through a variety of learning opportunities
  • Integrates musical genres from classical to sacred to secular
  • Guitarists have a special opportunity to spend 10 days each year with the Romeros, more than doctoral students at USC get
  • Opportunity to join the Best Semester Program where students study music for a semester in Nashville learning the ins and outs of professional performance


When you graduate with your SNU degree in Music Performance with a Concentration in Instrumental Performance, you’ll have the preparation you need for a successful career in many professions such as:

  • Musician
  • Music Teacher
  • Composer

Keyboard Concentration

The Program

  • Combines theory and practice providing a degree that prepares students for a wide range of work
  • Develops a unique skill set through a variety of learning opportunities
  • Hands-on time with two premier instruments: a Bosendorfer Imperial Grand Piano or our Schlicker tracker organ
  • Log hours in our state of the art recording studio under a former professional studio owner
  • Opportunity to join the Best Semester Program where students study music for a semester in Nashville, learning the ins and outs of  professional performance


SNU graduates gain the knowledge necessary to acquire great jobs or continue their education. When  you graduate with your degree in music performance from SNU, you’ll  have the preparation you need for a successful career in many  professions such as:

  • Concert Pianist
  • Music Teacher
  • Performer
  • Musician

Vocal Concentration

The Program

  • Combines theory and practice providing a degree that prepares students for a wide range of work
  • Develops a unique skill set through a variety of learning opportunities
  • Integrates musical genres from classical to sacred to secular
  • Join our nationally recognized vocal jazz group the U Singers
  • Opportunity to join the Best Semester Program where students study music for a semester in Nashville learning the ins and outs of professional performance
  • Enjoy performing in various venues from around OKC to Austin City Limits

The Preparation

  • SNU graduates hold the knowledge to get great jobs or continue their education
  • Our professors open up their circle of influence and network to help students land their dream jobs
  • Each year more and more of our graduates are accepted into some of the finest graduate and professional schools in the country including Boston Conservatory, Texas Women’s University, University of Oklahoma and more


When you graduate with your degree in music performance from SNU, you’ll have the preparation you need for a successful career in many professions such as:

  • Performer
  • Music Teacher
  • Voice Coach

Degree Plan

The SNU School of Music seeks to develop each student's musical passion to its fullest potential, foster a pursuit of excellence in all things, and provide a Christ-centered environment to deepen spiritual and musical growth.

Highly Qualified Professors

SNU offers you the opportunity to study with credentialed faculty as you journey toward graduation, another step closer to reaching your goals. These scholars with a Christian worldview will mentor and guide you along the way.  SNU’s smaller size allows students to interact with faculty — not only in the classroom, but also through impactful mentoring, personal advising, and meaningful research. Come and be known; come and belong.