Theology & Ministry Scholarships
Theology & Ministry Scholarships
Please note: All scholarships are available only to traditional students in traditional programs unless otherwise specified.
Bishop, Mrs. George J. (Mittie D.) Memorial Scholarship
- Funded by the Estate of George & Mattie Bishop
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Bolerjack, L. Ivalee Memorial Scholarship
- Funded by the L. Ivalee Bolerjack trust
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Bracken, Dr. A. K. Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the SNU Executive Cabinet in honor of former SNU President, Dr. A.K. Bracken
- Provides funds for a student preparing for full-time pastoral ministry
- Amount varies
Brown, Tom M. Memorial – Ministerial Interns
- Established by Mrs. Priscilla Brown, wife, and family
- SNU Ministerial Internship
Brown/McClure Memorial Scholarship
- Funded through the Estates of Roy Brown & Melvin McClure
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Burch, Dr. Bill E. & Janice J. – Ministerial Interns
- Established by Drs. Stan & Terry Toler, and Rev. Mark Hollingsworth
- SNU Ministerial Internship
Bussey, Laurene Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Judge Charles & Carla Johnson
- Restricted to upper-division female applicants
- Amount varies
Cantrell, Dr. Roy Memorial Scholarship
- Established through the Estate of Roy Cantrell, President emeritus
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Clegg, J. & Mildred L. Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Mildred L. Clegg Estate
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Cowan, Tressie Memorial Scholarship
- Established through the Estate of Tressie Cowan
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Curtis, Rev. H.M. Memorial Scholarship – Ministerial Interns
- Established by the Friends and Family of Rev. H.M. Curtis
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Davis, Norma Memorial Scholarship – Urban Ministries
- Established and funded by E. Kaye Schmidt Jones
- Restricted to upper-division students – Freshman not eligible
- Applicants must be enrolled in the Urban Ministries Program in the SNU School of Theology & Ministry
- Amount varies
Day, Keith Memorial Scholarship – Youth Ministry
- Established and funded by Dale & Sharon Day
- Any classification
- $1,000 minimum increments
DeLong/Douglas Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the friends and family of Russell V. DeLong and Rev. & Mrs. J.W. Douglas
- Any classification
- No restrictions
Denning, Ralph & Ruth Memorial Scholarship
- Established through the Ralph & Ruth Denning Trust
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Dunnington, George & Lucille Memorial Scholarship – Ministerial Interns
- Established by Dr. Don and Jane Dunnington
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Eudaley, Rev. & Mrs. O.W. Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Mr. & Mrs. Mark Eudaley
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Fechner Family Scholarship
- Established by Mr. & Mrs. John Fechner
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Figg, Dottie Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the friends and family of Dottie Figg
- Seniors only
- 2.75 GPA
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Finch, Oscar J. Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the SNU Executive Cabinet in honor of former SNU President, Dr. Oscar Finch
- Provides funds for a student preparing for full-time pastoral ministry
- Amount varies
Flowers/Frazier Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the friends and family of Revs. Mark Flowers & Earl Frazier
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Garey, Charles Memorial Scholarship
- Established through the Charles Garey Trust
- SNU Ministerial Internships
General Superintendents Scholarship
- Annual gift from the Office of General Superintendents
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Gilbert, Rev. & Mrs. Homer Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Harry Pierce
- FRESHMEN not eligible
- Provides aid for upperclassmen students who are “preparing for Pastoral Ministry”
- Amount varies
Gilliland, Dr. Ponder W. Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the friends and family of Dr. Ponder Gilliland, President emeritus
- Available to Junior or Senior students with a minimum 2.5 GPA
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Gray, Dr. C. Paul Scholarship
- Established by Kenny Marchant & friends and family of Dr. C. Paul Gray
- Any classification
- Need-based
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Hahn, Dr. Roger L. & Dorothy M. Scholarship
- Established and funded by Dr. & Mrs. Roger Hahn
- Any classification
- $300 minimum increments
Harmon, Mrs. Modelle Memorial Scholarship – Urban Ministries
- Established and funded by Prof. Wes Harmon, the Wes & Modelle Harmon Trust, and the family and friends of Prof. & Mrs. Wes Harmon
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Harrison, Billie Hagemeier Ferris Scholarship
- Established and funded by Mrs. Billie Ferris-Harrison
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Hayes, Helen R. Scholarship
- Established by the Helen R. Hayes Trust
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Herrick, Rev. Ralph W. & Nelda L. Scholarship
- Established by Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Herrick
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Kelley, Loyd Scholarship
- Established by Mr. Loyd Kelley
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Killgore, Rev. Joseph L. Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Mike & Kay Killgore, son & daughter-in-law
- Verifiable financial need
- Amount varies
Knight, John A. & Justine A. Scholarship
- Established by Mrs. Justine Knight, the family of Dr. John A. Knight, General Superintendent, Emeritus, and friends and former students
- Provides funds for students enrolled in the School of Theology & Ministry
- Amount varies
Knight, Rev. John L. & Beulah Memorial Scholarship
- Established by Dr. John Knight, President emeritus, and Mr. & Mrs. Oliver C. Rushing
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Kramer, Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Scholarship
- Established by Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Kramer and funded by Mr. & Mrs. Herman Meinders
- Any classification
- Preference for students from Kingfisher or adjacent counties
- Amount varies
Langford, James C. Scholarship – Ministry
- Established by Rev. & Mrs. James C. Langford
- Restricted to upper-division students – Freshman not eligible
- Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Applicants are pursing a career in full-time Ministry or Christian Education
- Verifiable financial need
- Amount varies
Martin, Jack Howard & Mary Ellen Scholarship – Ministry
- Established by William V. Hines, Jr. and Rosie Martin Hines
- Restricted to upper-division students – Freshman not eligible
- Preparing for full-time Christian ministry
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- 1st Preference for students from the State of Louisiana
- Verifiable financial need
- Awards in minimum amounts of $2,000
McClung, Rev. W. Raymond Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by the family of Rev. Raymond McClung
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
McGrady, Rev. Paul Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Estate of Rev. Paul McGrady, with additional funding from Prof. Paul McGrady, son; and Mrs. Jean McGrady, wife
- Any classification
- Need-based
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
McKinney, Rev. Jewel M. & Bertha A. Memorial Scholarship
- Established through the Estate of Bertha A. McKinney
- Provides aid for any full-time students pursuing a Ministerial Track of study
- Awards are in minimum increments of $1500
Meador-Shelton-Johnson Memorial Scholarship – Ministerial Interns
- Established through the Johnnie Meador Annuity
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Minor, Thane & Edna Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by the friends and family of Thane & Edna Minor
- Available to students of any classification with a minimum 2.5 GPA
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Moore, Rev. & Mrs. Austin T. Scholarship
- Established and funded by Jackie H. Moore Kennedy and Allyn Kennedy
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Nease, Stephen W. & Christine Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Stephen & Christine Nease Trust, and endowed by the SNU Executive Cabinet in honor of former SNU President Dr. Stephen W. Nease
- Provides aid for any full-time undergraduate preparing for full-time pastoral ministry
- Must meet academic progress standards and have a verifiable financial need
- Amount varies
Owens, Dr. Don Scholarship
- Established and funded by former students of Prof. Don Owens
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Parrish, Milton B. & Tommie Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Mrs. Tommie Parrish, wife; Mrs. Debbie Parrish Clark, daughter, and the friends of Rev. & Mrs. Milton Parrish
- Restricted to upper-division full-time students preparing for full-time Christian ministry or Cross-cultural Missions – international, or within the continental U.S.
- Amount varies
Plemons, Dr. L. Eugene Scholarship
- Established and funded by the friends and family of Dr. L. Eugene Plemons
- Any classification
- 3.0 GPA
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Pointer, Lloyd & Lona Memorial Church Growth/Leadership Scholarship
- Established by Dr. & Mrs. Lyle Pointer
- Available to any classification
- 1st preference for “promising ministerial student”
- Amount varies
Porter, C. William (Bill) Memorial Scholarship – Latino Ministry Preparation
- Established and funded by the Friends and Family of Rev. C. William Porter
- Restricted to upper-division students – Freshman not eligible
- 1st Preference for students of Latino Heritage
- Full-time students preparing for Ministry, Missions or a Mission-related vocation
- Amount Varies
Rhodes, Rev. Olen L. Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Dr. Wanda Rhodes
- FRESHMEN not eligible
- Restricted to male applicants with a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Amount varies
Runyon, Myrtis Bates Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Myrtis Bates Runyon Trust
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Rushing, O.C. & Myrtle Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Mr. & Mrs. Oliver C. Rushing
- Preference for Graduate-level students
- Amount varies
Senter, James Memorial Scholarship – Ministerial Interns
- Established through the Estate of James Senter
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Shellenberger, Stephane Scholarship – Ministerial Interns
- Established by an anonymous donor
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Sloan, Velma Memorial Scholarship – Ministry or Missions
- Established by Rev. Roy Sloan
- Any classification
- Need-based
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Smith, Allen & Nora Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Ms. Kathryn Smith
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Sodowsky, Paul Milford Memorial Pastoral Ministry Scholarship – Ministerial Interns
- Established by Mrs. Kathleen Sodowsky, wife
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Stahly, Elmer H. Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by the family of Elmer Stahly
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Steele, Rev. & Mrs. W. Lee Scholarship
- Established and funded by the friends and family of Rev. & Mrs. W. Lee Steele
- Provides need-based assistance for Juniors or Seniors.
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Vogt, P. Kenneth & Arlene Mottram Memorial Scholarship
- Established through a remainder from the Bequest of P. Kenneth Vogt
- Provides aid for full-time undergraduate students in the School of Theology & Ministry
- Awards in minimum increments of $1000
Wallace, Fred O. & Isa Memorial Scholarship
- Established by Dr. Keith Pagan
- FRESHMEN not eligible
- 3.0 GPA
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Weber, Rose Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Estate of Rose Weber
- Any classification
- Preference for students from Dodge City, KS or other Kansas students
- Amount varies
Webster, Minnie Lea Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Estate of Minnie Lea Webster
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Wessels, Dean & Roxie Scholarship – Ministerial Interns
- Established by Dr. Gary & Vickie Wessels Morsch, daughter and son-in-law
- SNU Ministerial Internships
Wheelbarger, J.J. Scholarship
- Established by Dr. J.J. Wheelbarger
- Provides supplemental aid for Religion students
- Amount varies
White, Rev. & Mrs. Claud Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Estate of Rev. & Mrs. Claude White
- SNU Ministerial Internships
White, Lenard & Barbara Scholarship – Ministerial Interns
- Established and funded by Lenard & Barbara White
- SNU Ministerial Internships
White, S.S. Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the SNU Executive Cabinet in honor of former SNU President S.S. White
- Provides funds for a student preparing for full-time pastoral ministry
- Amount varies
Wright, Rev. Ralph Memorial Scholarship
- Established by Mr. Roland Wright
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Zimmerman, James E. & Esther G. Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the James E. Zimmerman Estate
- Any classification
- Need-based
- 2.5 GPA
- Amount varies
Bach, Tom Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the SNU Class of 1959
- FRESHMEN not eligible
- $750 increments
Black, Dalbert Memorial Scholarship – Missions or Ministry
- Established and funded by Dr. June Kilgore
- Restricted to males
- 2.75 GPA
- Amount varies
Global Passion for Missions Scholarship – Missions
- Funded by Dr. Les and Linda Rice Wright
- Restricted to upper-division students – Freshman not eligible
- Applicants must have had previous cross-cultural mission trip or project, sponsored by or authorized by SNU, or its related churches and/or denomination
- Amount varies – generally in the amount of $1000
Green Family Student Mission Stipends
- Established by Hobby Lobby, Inc.
- For participants of urban or international mission projects
Johnson, Rev. Jim Memorial Scholarship
- Established by Rev. Mrs. Mary Johnson
- Freshman not eligible
- Need-based
- 2.5 GPA
- Amount varies
Knox, Sidney and Wanda Memorial
- Established and funded by Don and Judy Knox Meador
- Upper Division Student
- Majoring in Missions or Missions related Ministry
- Amount varies
Kruse, Carl H. & Mabel Memorial Scholarship – Missions or Education on Mission Field
- Established by Dr. & Mrs. Carl Kruse
- Any classification
- No restriction
- Amount varies
Marchant, Donna Scholarship
- Established and funded by Mr. Kenny Marchant
- Senior only
- Need-based
- $350 minimum increments
- Does not need to be Religion major
- Amount varies
Moyer, Virgil Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Estate of Virgil Moyer
- Missions or mission-related vocation
- Amount varies
Rice, Frank & Nettie Scholarship – Missions or Home Mission
- Established and funded by Les & Linda Wright
- Any classification
- 2.8 GPA
- No other restrictions
- Amount varies
Senter/Webster Student Missions Stipends
- Established by the Estates of James Senter & Minnie Lea Webster
- For participants of urban or international mission projects
Senter/Webster Memorial Student Missions Scholarship
- Established by the Estates of James Senter & Minnie Lea Webster
- Supports student participants in mission-related activities, e.g. YIM, CTM
Barkley, Arthur E. & Vada Lee Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Estate of Vada Lee Barkley, and memorials from their friend
- Restricted to student preparing for full-time pastoral ministry
- Recipients shall emulate the SNU motto: Character-Culture-Christ
- Amount varies
Barnard, Malcolm & Goldie Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Dr. Tom Barnard
- FRESHMEN not eligible
- Single $500 award
Beaver, Rev. & Mrs. H.J. Memorial Scholarship
- Established and funded by Dr. Don Beaver & Mr. Rudy Beaver
- 18 ACT for Freshmen or 2.5 GPA
- Member of Church of the Nazarene
- $500 increments
Broadhurst Foundation Scholarship
- Funded through annual award by the Broadhurst Foundation
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Gish, Delbert R. & Carol Memorial Scholarship – Philosophy
- Established by the Friends and Family of Dr. & Mrs. Delbert R. Gish
- Any classification
- 1st Preference for a student majoring in Philosophy; then any Religion major
- Annual awards in no less than $250
Rothwell, Mel-Thomas Family Scholarship – Philosophy
- Funded and established by Dr. Paul D. Rothwell
- Any classification
- No restrictions
- Amount varies
Troutman, Rev. Robert Scholarship – Christian Education
- Established by Rev. Robert Troutman
- Any classification
- 1st preference for student preparing for ministry in Christian Education
- Need-based
- Restricted to the Church of the Nazarene
- Amount varies