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Sexual Assaults and Offenses

Sexual Assaults & Offenses Definition

Any sexual act directed against another person, forcible and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent.


It is the policy of Southern Nazarene University, in keeping with its Christian standards and with efforts to establish an environment in which the dignity and worth of all members of the institutional community are respected and in keeping with the standards set in the 1992 Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights, sexual assaults on students of Southern Nazarene University are totally unacceptable and intolerable.

Procedures and Services

Victims of sexual assaults need to know that they are encouraged to report offenses immediately to the Student Development personnel, the staff at the Counseling Center and/or Student Health Center on campus, on-campus security personnel, and/or go to the hospital emergency room. Which hospital emergency room depends on where the YWCA has their current team – call 405-943-7273 for instructions. The student can avail himself/herself of the counseling and support opportunities on campus or through outside agencies. Listed below are some of the excellent Crisis Intervention Hotline support services.

SNU-Main Campus (Bethany)  
Bethany Police Department
      (BPD has staff trained in rape crisis intervention.)
Crisis Hotline   405-848-2273
 Deaconess Hospital Emergency Department  405-949-6106
 Domestic Violence Hotline-YWCA  405-949-1866
 Integris Health / Baptist Medical Center Emergency Room  405-949-3155
 Mercy Hospital Social Services Department  405-752-3763
 SNU Student Health Center  405-491-6605
 SNU Counseling Center  405-491-6335
 Tulsa Police
 Tulsa Call Rape, Inc. (24 Hr)  918-744-7273
 Tulsa County Victim Witness Ctr  918-596-4915

The victim has choices open to him/her on many different levels. It is your choice to ask that on-campus disciplinary procedures be activated by going to the Student Development Office. Professional and Graduate Studies students should contact the Dean of Adult and Graduate Studies (Bethany and program specific sites) or the Director of SNU-Tulsa.
 It is the right of the accuser and the accused to have others present during the proceeding and to have both parties informed of the outcome. There may be separate meetings. Sanctions may involve counseling, probation, suspensions, or dismissal from school. It is also your choice to go directly to the local police department if you desire. Campus personnel can assist you in this process. University personnel will also work with the victim to change academic schedule and living situations after the sexual assault incident, if requested by the victim and if these changes are reasonably available.
 Whether you want to pursue the offense through any kind of judicial proceeding or not, it is important to immediately go to the Student Health Center or the hospital to receive proper medical attention and preserve evidence in the event of future decisions to pursue the offense within the legal system. It is also important to contact the Renew Counseling Center and/or Student Life personnel so that you can receive guidance as to how to access the professional support and assistance that is available on campus, or for assistance in gaining referrals to off campus resources.