Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards
Federal regulations require that Southern Nazarene University (SNU) students adhere to a policy of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to retain eligibility for federal, state and university financial aid. There are 3 components to SNU’s policy 1) CUM percentage of hours completed versus hours attempted at SNU, 2) Grade Point Average from all schools attended and 3) Maximum number of hours from all schools attended. The Financial Aid Office reviews students’ transcripts at the end of each semester to determine their continued eligibility.
I. Completion Percentage
Effective September 1, 2017 each student is required to pass a minimum of two-thirds (66.67%) of the cumulative credit hours attempted during the student’s time at SNU. The number of completed hours is based on the number of hours a student initially enrolled and received financial aid.
Example: If a student has attempted 24 hours during while in attendance at SNU, the SAP policy would require the student to complete at least 16 hours (24 hours x 66.67% = 16 hours). If a student has completed fewer than 16 hours, a Financial Aid Warning letter will be sent.
II. Grade Point Average Requirement
Each student must meet a cumulative grade point average standard to remain eligible for assistance. The grades of F, W, I or Audit do not count as the successful completion of a course.
Cumulative GPA Required
0-22 hours 1.50 GPA
25-56 hours 1.75 GPA
57-89 2.00 GPA
90-120 hours 2.00 GPA
Graduate 3.00 GPA
III. Maximum Number of Hours (Degree Completion)
Each student enrolled in a degree program is eligible for financial aid for a maximum number of hours specific to the completion of the degree. Students are subject to a maximum time frame of 150% of the published length of the degree program. To determine the published length of a degree program, please refer to SNU’s catalog.
Maximum number of hours for an undergraduate degree based on 120 hours is 180 hours.
Maximum number of hours for a graduate degree based on 30 hours is 45 hours.
Monitoring Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Financial Aid Warning:
Students not meeting the completion percentage and cumulative GPA requirements (I and II above) for the first time, will be sent a Financial Aid Warning letter. Effective fall 2017, students who receive a Financial Aid Warning letter will receive financial aid for one additional semester/payment period. The letter explains that academic performance will be re-evaluated after the warning semester/payment period to determine if additional action must be taken.
If a student exceeds the maximum number of hours for a degree (number III above), the financial aid office will do a thorough evaluation of the student’s transcript to determine the student’s continued eligibility. A meeting with the financial aid Director may be required.
Financial Aid Suspension:
Any student who is on a warning status for the semester/payment period and does not meet the SAP requirements will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. Financial aid cannot be received while on suspension. The student will receive a Financial Aid Suspension letter and will be given the opportunity to file an appeal if they seek consideration for financial aid for the upcoming semester/payment period.
Appealing Financial Aid Suspension:
A student who has mitigating circumstances (such as, but not limited to, death of an immediate family member, serious injury or illness of student or immediate family member) may complete the Financial Aid Satisfactory Suspension Appeal Form for continued financial aid. The appeal must include 1) why the student failed SAP and 2) what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow the student to demonstrate SAP at the next evaluation. The appeal form also requests information for the student’s plans to be successful in future semesters/payment periods. The appeal and supporting documentation should be received within 30 days of the date of the suspension notification letter. Students appealing suspension may be requested to submit an Academic Plan from their advisor that ensures achievement of at least the required 66.67% completion rate, the minimum required GPA, and/or graduation by a specified time frame.
An appeal will be reviewed by a Financial Aid Committee, and the Financial Aid Director will notify the student in writing of the decision of the committee. If the appeal is approved, a letter will be sent to the student with a list of conditions that must be meet for continued financial aid (i.e. hours and grades). If the student cannot mathematically achieve SAP standards in one semester/payment period, an academic plan may be required.
If the appeal is denied, a student can be reinstated to financial aid once they raise their GPA or completion percentage either at SNU or another university.