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Do This Instead of Black Friday Shopping to Help Your Studies

While many people participate in the biggest shopping day of the year, you might decide to stay in this year and avoid the hustle and busyness of Black Friday. In doing so, you may have freed up some precious hours you can dedicate toward family, your home, and your schoolwork. If you’re looking to move forward academically on this day, we have some ideas for you.

Complete a Homework Assignment

The obvious answer here is to knock out any homework assignments you have with looming deadlines. Take an hour or two to complete the most pressing tasks you have and then look to the future. Are there projects you can complete ahead of time or lay a good foundation for? That might enable you to have more time in the future for studying or other assignments. 

Regain control over each precious hour of your day with these life-enhancing  time management tips for adult students.

Review Materials for the Semester

Many classes have a comprehensive exam upon completion, meaning you’ll need to review everything you have learned throughout the course and be able to recall it come finals day. Instead of waiting until the last minute to study and getting overwhelmed, make a point to go over your notes and review the more difficult concepts. When finals come, you’ll be able to get a good night’s rest and avoid cramming.

Read a Book

Is there a book that is popular in your desired field? Suggested reading for class? A personal development book you’ve been dying to dive into? Use some of this time to pore over the materials and soak in everything you can. If your reading list is a million miles long, try something like Goodreads to keep track of all the books you’ve read and the ones you’re saving for later.

Related Article: Best Books for Business Students

Inventory Your School Supplies

Have you ever made it to class and realized you were out of note-taking paper or pens? Use this day to reorganize your backpack and list out all the supplies you’ll need to finish the semester or program. It might be a great time to plan ahead for materials needed for major projects or a new planning system.

Achieve Inbox Zero

Make the impossible possible and clear out every unopened email in your inbox. Go through old emails, delete what isn’t needed anymore, file informational emails in appropriate folders, and take action on emails you’ve been sitting on. If you’re like most people and get countless promotional emails you never open, consider going through and unsubscribing or updating your preferences so you’re reducing email clutter and only getting the information you truly need. This will be a great way to start fresh after the holidays and relieve stress you may have associated with your inbox!

Get a Head Start on Your FAFSA

The Federal Application for Financial Student Aid must be completed every year to continue aid. If you know you’re going to need it for the following year, visit the website and get a head start on the information you can enter without having a completed tax return. This will save you time and headache later as well as make you aware of questions you may need to bring to your accountant or your school’s financial aid department.

Download Some New Podcasts

As an adult student, you’ve proven your hunger for knowledge and growth. You might also have a commute to school or work you can utilize for this exact purpose. In addition to listening to past lectures, consider downloading some new podcasts relevant to your current industry or the field you’ll be working in. Listening to these in your downtime will allow you to stay current and wow interviewers and supervisors with your up-to-date. 

Consider a New Planning System

Have you been working in an old planner or taking scattered notes in your phone or scrap pieces of paper? It’s time to upgrade from the back of utility bill envelopes and embrace a system that will help you make the most of your most precious resource: time. Consider using one of these free tools or visiting an office supply store to check out the different options available. Not ready to commit? There is a wealth of planning videos on YouTube where you can see people diving into the different planning features of almost every brand.

Plan for the New Year

With only a month left in the year, this is the perfect time to begin evaluating the year and considering your goals for the next 12 months. You might take into account your grades, how often you turn assignments in on time or are rushing to complete them, how many classes you have left until graduation, and ways you can improve your work-life-school balance. See our article for ideas of goals you need to set for next year!

Update Your Resume

One of the main reasons for going to school is to earn a promotion or land a job in your new career path. In addition to your degree, it’s likely you’ll need to have an updated resume reflecting your new education and experience! Use this day to spruce up your resume, and tailor it to the industry you are hoping to join. When you’re done, remember to set an appointment with your school’s career services professional or a professor to ask for advice on making it even better!

Meet Up with Classmates

While most people have an extra paid day off, take advantage of this time to meet with a classmate you don't normally get to have much conversation with, and spend time getting to know them. Your classmates are taking classes, seeking promotions or new jobs, and striving for a degree right alongside you. They will likely become your best friends and biggest supporters, as well as valuable network connections after graduation. Look for ways to pour into them and their goals.

Remember, everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. How will you use yours?

time management for adult students

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